We are very proud to announce that Michael Battenfield won the colt starting challenge in Warner, Oklahoma. At the challenge, contestants use natural horsemanship methods to gentle and ride the horse. The horses in the event have never been bridled, saddled or ridden.
The first day the contestants have 2 one hour sessions to work with their horse in a roundpen, with a half hour break in between. All the contestants work with their horses at the same time and explain to the audience what they are doing. On the second day the contestants have 2 sessions again to work with their horse, only this time both sessions are 45 minutes instead of one hour, again with a half hour break in between. In the second session contestants can leave their roundpen to ride in the arena to prepare for the obstacle course.
Next all the roundpens are removed from the arena and each contestant has 15 minutes to ride their horse through an obstacle course in the arena.
Michael will be competing in the colt start challenge again in Huntsville, TX, October 24th & 25th